2019: Mozambican slaves in Germany not paid yet!

Germany use the case of modern slaves to gain advantages in cooperation with Mozambique against damage of 20 thousand people.

Around 20 thousand Mozambicans were exploited in Germany from 1979 and 1989 under false pretence of training  of Mozambican labour force.

Germany Democratic Republic and People Republic of Mozambique signed an agreement on 24 February of 1979  to send young Mozambicans to work in Germany companies. What was known  was the young Mozambicans were going to be trained in several skills  that later would be implemented in socialist companies to be established in Mozambique. Now, lapsed 30 years after the end of the agreement, it was revealed behind that was a debit between the countries of around 300 millions of USD to quit by the revenue of the Mozambicans, in a type of modern slavery.

The Mozambicans were forced to discount, during stay in Germany, 60% of their salaries under the promise that they would be paid when they are back to Mozambique, and that never happened. The agreement and amendments that ruled the matter are sealed with 7 keys in both countries.

A representative group of around 200 people are demonstrating every Wednesday down streets in Maputo waving Germany flag.

In a conference held in Magdburg, Germany, from 22 to 24 February 2019, two former senior workers of the Germany government,  Ralf Straßburg and Markus Meckel said it is clear that it was slavery; Germany should never had accepted that, and something has to be done to compensate the involved. Both former senior workers of the Germany government added that the money discounted never was transferred to Mozambique.

The Germany government is not showing commitment to handle the matter easily, and voices of social society believe the matter is being used by the two countries to blackmail each other to gain advantages in cooperation against damage of thousand of people


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